Posts Tagged ‘AIR’

There’s a new (fairly new) forum for Flex and Flash developers @ Built4Flash.  It’s powered by Stack Exchange, but its focus is Flex. If you have questions about ActionScript, Flash, Flex or related technologies (server-side Java, Cold Fusion, etc), visit Built4Flash first.

Recently I had a technical discussion about Flex vs. AIR.  The basis of the argument was, if AIR has all the functionality of the Flex SDK, why not just develop all of your apps in AIR and use them in a browser.  This view assumes a lot, so I took time out for a formal, […]

mxmlc -library-path+=/System/flex_sdk_3.0.0.477/frameworks/libs/air myprog.mxml mxmlc +configname=air myprog.mxml amxmlc myprog.mxml Thanks Simeon Says.

Application To access properties and methods of the top-level Application object from anywhere in your application, you can use the application property of the Application class, mx.core.Application.application BlendModes ADD creates a lightening dissolve; SUBTRACT creates a darkening dissolve. ADD light, SUBTRACT light.  Source Class property attributes internal (default) – Visible to references inside the same […]

AIR Tutorials

02Oct08 I’m sure there’s a bunch of other — I just wanted to remember this one.

Adobe AIR – Flex desktop applications. AMF – Action(script) Message Format, similar to SOAP.  It is used primarily to exchange data between an Adobe Flash application and a database, using a Remote Procedure Call. Gumbo – Flex 4, release date in 2009. Adobe Thermo – designers tool for easy creation of user interfaces for Rich […]